Bonkers Going Bonkers Production Background and Cel Overlay (1993) - ID: jun23041

Bonkers Going Bonkers Production Background and Cel Overlay (1993) - ID: jun23041 Walt Disney


Price: $150.00
SKU: jun23041

A production background and cel overlay from the Disney Studios animated television series "Bonkers" (1993-1994). Featuring Lucky and Bonker's cramped in a dark office, the hand-painted background and cel overlay were created at the studio and used during the animation process. The piece is an actual frame of animation that was photographed and appears in the episode titled "Going Bonkers Part 1," which aired on September 4, 1993. Measuring 10.5"x21.75", the background and cel overlay are in very good condition with corner wear, particularly on the bottom right corner, tape stuck on the middle right, and middle left and overall surface wear.

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