The Flintstones "The Girls' Night Out" Fred Flintstone Production Drawing (1961) - ID: may23569

The Flintstones "The Girls' Night Out" Fred Flintstone Production Drawing (1961) - ID: may23569 Hanna Barbera


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Price: $150.00
SKU: may23569

A production drawing from the prolific Hanna Barbera Studios animated series The Flintstones. Featuring Fred Flintstone angrily pulling a serving tray towards himself, the graphite drawing was created at the studio and used during the animation process. The drawing was used in the creation of the episode titled "Girls' Night Out," which aired on January 6, 1961. Measuring 10.5"x12.5" overall, with the character image measuring 6.5"x8.75", the drawing is in very good condition with page discoloration due to age, edge wear, and corner wear.

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